
Book Review2-07 "A Rat for Mouse"

I read "A Rat for Mouse". Jojo had a new hamster, Jumbo. Everyone loved him because he was sweet and funny, but Mouse didn't like him. Mouse wanted another pet. One day, Mr Macdonald took Mouse to the pet shop. Though he thought Mouse would choose another rabbit, Mouse didn't want it. Because he could never love another rabbit as much as he had loved Lucky. Then, they looked at other pets. But he didn't like them. Then, Mouse saw the rat in a cage. Mouse thought that this is what he want. The shopkeeper said that rats were very good pets because they were clean and clever. Then, Mouse learned that he should not try to catch the rat until the rat comes to him, or he might bite him. Mouse chose a cage with a ladder and a wheel. Mouse was very exited. Mouse went to house and when his mum saw it, she was very surprised. Mouse explained that rats made very good pets. Jojo wanted to pick the rat up, but Mouse told them what the pet shop man had said. Mouse called his rat Ricky. Mouse loved him very much.
Mouse's friend caught for him without thinking. The rat bit Ben's finger. Then, everyone was afraid of Mouse's rat because they thought he was dangerous. But, Mouse loved him.
This story was interesting and easy to read. I could understand how to have a rat. I want to have a rat like Ricky. He was very pretty. 252

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